Insurance health and saftey

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Mar 2024 28 21:31

Insurance health and saftey

Hi there hi have been told that with the service we have on all our machines will have to have an insurance inspection aswell I know we have a service and maintenance on our boilers and that insurance company has to do the pressure vessels test but things like automatic gates hoist playground equipment that's s new one to me seems like money wasted again rpii will test the playground equipment they should all be tested and if they don't pass then they will give us a quote to repair like every thing else
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Mar 2024 28 23:17

Re: Insurance health and saftey

Pressure vessels? Do you mean the expansion vessels on hot water systems, they should be covered by whichever company you use for Legionella compliance.
Hoists are LOLER, so a reputable company will cover this inspection.
Playgrounds, gates, socks!!!, can all be covered by the relevant contractor doing the regular inspections (although, my socks have never been inspected. There was once an incident with a mouse, but it was deemed not to be a non compliance).
So this extra inspection by an insurance company sounds a bit odd. You may need to have a word with whoever suggested this.
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Mar 2024 29 19:13

Re: Insurance health and saftey

We used to get an insurance inspection on all of our technology machines as well as the pressure vessels, it happened over lots of years and i thought it was standard
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Apr 2024 02 11:33

Re: Insurance health and saftey

magpie wrote: 29th Mar 2024 at 7:13pm We used to get an insurance inspection on all of our technology machines as well as the pressure vessels, it happened over lots of years and i thought it was standard
It is pretty much as it's been done in most of the schools in our Trust , we've just scaled it back as it's not mandatory , our ladders and air con units along with our pressure vessels were inspected every year by the insurance company.

We check our ladders before use so we binned that inspection and our air con is serviced every year so we binned that insurance inspection too, the only one we've kept is the pressure vessels as it's not covered by anyone else.

It's an insurance company that inspects but when I asked if there was a problem could we claim on it we were told it's not that sort of policy another reason to save the money.
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Apr 2024 02 11:48

Re: Insurance health and saftey

The only inspection I can think of that could be insurance related is the pressure vessels and steam ovens. All of your compliance testing/servicing and inspections will cover you for anything else.
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