Are we undervalued

Chat about Contracts, Job descriptions, Pay scale, Unions, Holiday entitlement, Appraisals...

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Dean 08
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Mar 2024 08 22:52

Re: Are we undervalued

I don't feel undervalued in monetary terms. I left a job that paid more, had overtime as a regular occurrence, and was highly technical (which kept me really interested in the job) to become a site manager.
Once I factored in the driving I no longer had to do (up to 40k pa), the not being away several nights most weeks, and living close enough to the school to be able to lunch at home (saving money on eating on the road), I realised the pay equated out, and my home life was much better.
The only feeling of being undervalued is from the HT and new BM who do not realise the work that goes with the job, and constantly chip away trying to keep me in my place (probably due to poo pooing their pie in the sky ideas that are either totally impractical or against every regulation you could shake a stick at).
In other words, I'm here for the duration. [Like.png] [Big grin.png] [Wink.png]
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Mar 2024 28 16:24

Re: Are we undervalued

With the inclusion of all staff, the caretakers work the longest hours throughout the school year on site. Not even the headteachers could claim that.

Are we undervalued?
Do our unions show the same response and respect to us as the teacher union?
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Mar 2024 28 18:04

Re: Are we undervalued

I posted on another thread, we aren't really noticed even though we are always here. I'm probably my own worst enemy, I see where they don't see me. I'm In a better place from the other thread, doesn't mean I won't go back into the feelings I had.
I work as hard as I want to- I don't have to do all the extras, but that's me. I am probably paid a reasonable amount, but they do still get value for money with what I take home. I read on here some of the issues others have, and do count myself lucky that many things don't apply here.
For me , it's not just the money. I can be valued by a "thank you", an offer of help (seldom happens though). A small gift of something I can eat goes down well. Sometimes it's the smallest of things that can make you feel valued.
I like to think we are all valued members of this team/club/forum what ever it means to you. I value others who give opinions/advise/an occasional ticking off knowing we're all in the same boat- sometimes a liner sometimes the lifeboat but we are all in it together (please don't sing, I don't do that).
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Mar 2024 29 08:24

Re: Are we undervalued

I think most staff and parents think we have a cushy job, come in unlock bit of cleaning and sit having tea in the boiler house or office if you are lucky enough to have one and then lock up go home. [JawDropped.png]

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Mar 2024 29 19:57

Re: Are we undervalued

Oh yes. Case point, this week we had a sewage pump failure. Turns out bursar hadnt authorised repairs or paid for service from August last year. Pump fails, called at home to be told i have to sort it. All the details had to be relayed by my cleaner- company details, account number etc(bursar had given her them all) as the bursar /office manger were "too busy". Turns out no bills paid and it was my fault for passing back the problem to the bursar
- I coudnt do anything as bill needed paying first and the outcome made her look bad.
We are undervalued, we pull nuts out of fire, keep our heads in emergencies and go above and beyond. Only if they dont like the fact we are one step ahead all the time we get "anyone can do your job, its easy". Go on then get someone who can do it from 5:30am in all weathers.
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