Letter from the Prime Minister

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Dec 2023 20 08:43

Re: Letter from the Prime Minister

twiglets wrote: 20th Dec 2023 at 8:00am I believe they are banned from sale near the coast, but it only takes buying them inland or up in Holland, and it is a couple of hours drive.
They will never stop the boats all the time the French don't want them in their country (do you blame them). Whilst we are all moaning about a few thousand extra coming in the country, we are not looking at the rich/large companies who don't pay fair taxes, evade all ways of paying their share, to make them richer. Those that do come over, a large amount I expect, will eventually pay their way (jobs and spend money), whilst the rich will blame them for all of the problems we have- made by the rich taking all their countries and bombing them etc etc.
Even the news this week, oh we made £60m on rubbish PPE and put the money abroad so it can't be touched- how about getting all of the £60m back for starters?? [--- (The seasonal word only permitted in December) ---_snowball.gif]
Well said twiglets.

The boats thing is nothing but a smokescreen to divert the media away from the absolute mess they have made that the rest of the country now faces.
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Dec 2023 23 10:44

Re: Letter from the Prime Minister

Slightly off topic from the original post:
twiglets wrote: 20th Dec 2023 at 8:00am They will never stop the boats all the time the French don't want them in their country (do you blame them). Whilst we are all moaning about a few thousand extra coming in the country, we are not looking at the rich/large companies who don't pay fair taxes, evade all ways of paying their share, to make them richer. Those that do come over, a large amount I expect, will eventually pay their way (jobs and spend money), whilst the rich will blame them for all of the problems we have- made by the rich taking all their countries and bombing them etc etc.
I totally agree, but walking home late one night along the Highstreet, I noticed that in every doorway or covered area there are sleeping bags, cardboard boxes, and even portable tents.
Not sure if they are boat people or the usual homeless, but this year there seems to be a lot more of them, particularly in my part of London?

Back on topic:
I’ve not received any survey or letter from the Government?
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Dec 2023 23 11:41

Re: Letter from the Prime Minister

Sunak goes on about making long term decisions, but in a few years time we will start to see the effects of a Population Implosion like Japan is going through right now. The only way we as a country can deal with it is by allowing people (immigrant) into the country.

Shortly, some say in 8-10 years time, we will be welcoming immigrants into the country to work to pay taxes so the government can continue to provide a pension for our ever growing ageing population.

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Dec 2023 23 11:55

Re: Letter from the Prime Minister

Had a letter, mine was about immigration, crime and unemployment. There was also a section about marking 1-10 1 being the least , who you'd vote for in the next election. Fun filling that section in.
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Dec 2023 23 17:09

Re: Letter from the Prime Minister

Cannot wondering why Sunak, who with his missus, is worth about £720 million, wants a job that pays £170,000 a year.
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Dec 2023 23 22:58

Re: Letter from the Prime Minister

Maybe Rishi wants the job for the supposed prestige, to boost his CV, or possibly just so he can give all his mates knighthoods when he is kicked out of office.

The UK had net migration of over 600,000 last year so the illegal immigration on boats is a bit of a smokescreen. UK population growth has stagnated so we need workers. However I would love to know what Rishi's plans are to tackle the housing crisis (e.g. Hastings council has spent £5.6 million on temporary accommodation this year compared to £750,000 in 2019). There is a massive shortage of tradespeople to meet housing targets, where is th plan to train the 30,000+ bricklayers needed? Also there are predicted to be 8,000,000 people on NHS waiting lists by the summer. What is the plan to tackle this?
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