HFH on the telly

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Jul 2023 01 14:15

HFH on the telly

Hi all, I hope I didn't violate any rules or laws but I copied this from an e-mail I just got from the team.
I thought some of you might be interested to watch.
E-mail as follows;

Hang up your bunting and crack open your confetti cannons...

We’re delighted to announce that Help for Heroes has been chosen as the BBC Lifeline Appeal charity for July!

The 10-minute programme highlights the variety of support we offer to our Armed Forces community, and showcases the work we do to help veterans and their loved ones live well after service.

Three incredible veterans, Liz, Derek and Gary, tell their powerful stories, plus our patron and friend, Ross Kemp, is the presenter!

We're so excited to be given the opportunity to show how the support YOU help to provide is changing lives.
Here's how you can watch and support our
BBC Lifeline Appeal

• Tune into BBC One tomorrow, Sunday 2 July, at 2:05pm or BBC Two on Tuesday 4 July at 8:50am
• Watch on BBC iPlayer from Sunday 2 July
• Share our appeal on your socials – let’s make sure as many people as possible see and support it!

Gary is one of the veterans who stars in our appeal. If you can't wait till tomorrow, meet him now...

After serving 31 years in the RAF, veteran Gary was medically discharged following open heart surgery and a diagnosis of poor mental health. This sudden change made him feel isolated and depressed.

“The 31 years I served didn’t seem to mean anything. It felt like my friends and comrades disappeared overnight.”

Gary’s long-term struggle with mental health was worrying his family. So, they reached out to us.

We gave him financial, physical, and mental health support. Helped him apply to university and connected him with our choir, which remains a huge part of how he manages his mental health.

“Everyone in the choir knows the struggles of being a veteran, but by coming together and singing, we support each other – it’s a safe space. I’ve found friends for life.

“It feels so good to be part of a community who understands. I feel I have a purpose again.”

So, grab a cuppa, put your feet up and tune in tomorrow to see
how the support you’ve made possible has turned Gary, Liz and
Derek's lives around.

BBC One, Sunday 2 July, 2:05pm – see you there!

Help for Heroes is a charity registered in England and Wales (1120920) and Scotland (SC044984). Help for Heroes is a limited company registered in England (06363256). Registered Office: 14 Parkers Close, Downton Business Centre, Downton, Salisbury, Wiltshire SP5 3RB
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