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Contract/notice period

Posted: 20th Feb 2024 at 7:35pm
by JonOfham
Hi all,
Just wondering what notice period other site managers on here have to give?

When I started my job it was 3 months, which always made me anxious...then in December I found out they'd all changed to 1 month in September (new principal), but I hadn't actually been given mine to sign. So I hastily made sure I did. Anyway....then January comes and they decide that all tutors and management should go back to 3 months. I can understand tutors, but all other support staff have remained at 1 month. I definitely don't get paid management wages and only line manage the cook/cleaner, but because my title has "manager" in it they're including me.
I don't want to stay in education and have been looking for something else, so when I was asked to sign it I refused, saying that no prospective employer would wait 3 months. I was told "oh we won't expect you to actually give 3 months", but that's not good enough once I've actually signed to say I will.
So I am sticking to my guns since as far as I'm aware, the worst they could do is "fire and rehire", but that would completely defeat the object as they would potentially still only get 1 months notice and then if I did stay, that would leave me with 6 months of only having to give a weeks notice. Although part of me doesn't actually care anyway as it could be the boot up the rear I need to find something else.

Any thoughts? I'm not a union member so don't say "speak to your union". [Wink.png]

Re: Contract/notice period

Posted: 20th Feb 2024 at 8:48pm
by eebagum
Ex site manager of a small primary school. My contract was for 28 days notice should I leave. 28 days given and that's what they got. Yes they did at one point try to change it. But I stood my ground like you. Best thing I ever did was get out of school life.

Re: Contract/notice period

Posted: 21st Feb 2024 at 7:10am
by wonderwoman
Mine at the moment is 3 months but when it suits they get rid of you sooner so it should work both ways, but it doesn't.
Last year they were willing to given me 3 months notice but i leave straight away.

Union wasn't much help for me.

Re: Contract/notice period

Posted: 21st Feb 2024 at 7:37am
by ElGuapo
4 weeks here for me.

Re: Contract/notice period

Posted: 21st Feb 2024 at 7:46am
by twiglets
interesting- LA school, HT 2 terms, CO's 1 term, except for the BM (think it's 1 term) all others 1 month I think?

Re: Contract/notice period

Posted: 21st Feb 2024 at 7:49am
by Maverick
One Month for me in line with working one Month in lieu of pay.

Curious to know though, if their policy is "you wouldn't be expected to work it" then why want you to go back to 3 months when one suffices.

Re: Contract/notice period

Posted: 21st Feb 2024 at 7:51am
4 weeks. Not often I see the three month one for support staff. Usually a teacher one ie. 1 term notice.

Re: Contract/notice period

Posted: 21st Feb 2024 at 7:52am
by Eddy
I am on 4 weeks at the moment.
I am changing to term time only in the summer and the standard notice for new contract will be 6 weeks.
I can understand the 3 month notice with teachers, but for general support staff In my opinion is excessive, and will make a role harder to recruit for in the long run.

Re: Contract/notice period

Posted: 21st Feb 2024 at 8:49am
by Vera
1 month for me.

Were you consulted about the changes to the contract? did you have a chance to ask questions or seek advice before being asked to sign a new agreement?

If they fire you for not signing the new contract then there may be grounds for unfair dismissal.

Speak to your union if you have one, I'm sure this won't be the first time they will have dealt with things like this.

Re: Contract/notice period

Posted: 21st Feb 2024 at 9:01am
by Dexter
I would simply say that you have sought advice and, you have been told, that the proposed notice period is not commensurate with the grade.