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Oct 2022 26 09:58

Re: Names

EBJ wrote: 25th Oct 2022 at 10:16am This says it all really.

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I agree, history is there to be remembered, including all the mistakes made along the way. Mistakes serve as reminders of darker times, lest we forget.
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Oct 2022 26 11:55

Re: Names

thecaretaker wrote: 25th Oct 2022 at 11:44pm Many roads in my town are named after kings and famous people. Canute, Harold, Edmond, Edwin, Alfred, Ethelburga, Athelstan, Githa, Godwin etc. Also Saxon Rd, Norman Rd etc. And then there is Battle Rd.
We had also the same CT, Saxon Road, Norman Road, Dane Road (where my wife lived). [Thumb_up.png]

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Oct 2022 26 19:44

Re: Names

History is history so stop trying ro change it
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Oct 2022 26 23:30

Re: Names

There was an interesting documentary on BBC Four a while ago.

There are 2 kinds of history. Basically, the history that gets written about and we all learn in school, and then there is the truth about what really happened. They can be very different.

The history we learn in school is usually a simplified version that is told to us with rose coloured glasses and what kings and politicians want us to remember for whatever reason.

Then there is the truth about what happened in our past and it is often very different and often much bloodier.

I think it was Lucy Wordsley who did a number of programmes examining the differences between the two and it was fascinating.



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Oct 2022 27 11:51

Re: Names

thecaretaker wrote: 26th Oct 2022 at 11:30pm There was an interesting documentary on BBC Four a while ago.

There are 2 kinds of history. Basically, the history that gets written about and we all learn in school, and then there is the truth about what really happened. They can be very different.

The history we learn in school is usually a simplified version that is told to us with rose coloured glasses and what kings and politicians want us to remember for whatever reason.

Then there is the truth about what happened in our past and it is often very different and often much bloodier.

I think it was Lucy Wordsley who did a number of programmes examining the differences between the two and it was fascinating.


There is a historian called Simon Webb who has written books about things like this, it is very interesting. He also has a YouTube channel called History Debunked. Sometimes he reviews newly published history books aimed at schoolchildren and goes through the misinformation. Some of them are so inaccurate and distorted they should be put in the fiction section or be used as an example of propaganda, pandering to a modern political agenda.

Why schools allow this is questionable, no wonder so many people are completely clueless. Mind you, there was a primary school HT recently publicly boasting about the fact he had no idea who Sir Francis Drake or Lord Nelson were so it might simply be ignorance and not knowing any better themselves.
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Oct 2022 27 14:30

Re: Names

Heard a joke on the telly last night...

While the headmaster was giving somebody a tour of the school he said "This building goes back to Henry VIII". When the bursar chipped in "That maybe so, but according to the building society, if we don't pay the mortgage off, the school goes back to them". [Big grin.png]

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Oct 2022 27 15:05

Re: Names

thecaretaker wrote: 27th Oct 2022 at 2:30pm Heard a joke on the telly last night...

While the headmaster was giving somebody a tour of the school he said "This building goes back to Henry VIII". When the bursar chipped in "That maybe so, but according to the building society, if we don't pay the mortgage off, the school goes back to them". [Big grin.png]
I don't know if it was the origin of that joke, but they came out with it in a film called 'The Happiest Days of Your Life' with Alastair Sim in about 1950 in which he played a HT at a boys' boarding school.

The old ones are the best...
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Oct 2022 27 15:09

Re: Names

Handyman wrote: 27th Oct 2022 at 3:05pm I don't know if it was the origin of that joke, but they came out with it in a film called 'The Happiest Days of Your Life' with Alastair Sim in about 1950 in which he played a HT at a boys' boarding school.

The old ones are the best...
You've got a ruddy good memory. I downloaded that off Youtube yesterday.. That's where I must have heard it. I'm really into Margaret Rutherford films at the moment. Best Miss Marple there ever was [Like.png]

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Oct 2022 27 16:18

Re: Names

thecaretaker wrote: 27th Oct 2022 at 3:09pm You've got a ruddy good memory. I downloaded that off Youtube yesterday.. That's where I must have heard it. I'm really into Margaret Rutherford films at the moment. Best Miss Marple there ever was [Like.png]
My grandad and I used to watch it together all the time as I think it was one of his favourite films and I still watch it occasionally. Not sure how I remember the quote though, I wish my memory was as good about everything else, went to put some signs up in the school this morning and brought all the tools I needed and forgot the signs! At least from watching it, there is one thing that is definitely better now than in the 50's and that is as a caretaker I don't have to polish all the kids shoes as part of my duties as it seems they did back then. [Big grin.png] . In the actor Christopher Lee's autobiography he talked about his time at Wellington College public School in Berkshire in the 1930's and some 'servant' had the fun job of emptying all the students' chamber pots every morning.

Margaret Rutherford was great. I think there have been actresses who have portrayed Miss Marple closer to the Agatha Christie character, like Joan Hickson, but none of them have been as entertaining.
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